Barwa Stock Ticker

Stock Status

Last Update Date 7/25/2024 2:15:00 PM
Barwa Current Price QR 2.76
-0.021 -% 0.7551
Opening Price 2.761
Offer Price -92342.3423
Offer Volume 112,483
Bid Price 92342.3423
Bid Volume 20,419
Current QE Index Value 10098.36
Total Number of Trades 139
Total Traded Value 2,142,673
QE Market Status
Highest Price of Current Day 2.783
Lowest Price of Current Day 2.76
Net Change in Units -0.021
Percentage Change in Units -% 0.7551
52 Group 2.45-3.119
Previous Day QE Index Value 10137.45
Previous Close Price 2.781
Total Traded Volume 772,100
Market Capitalization 10,739,839,981


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