Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance​​​

Barwa is fully committed towards implementing its corporate governance framework, which provides the discipline essential for the group to fulfil its operational commitment towards stakeholders and the community.
The corporate governance code for public listed entities, issued by the Qatar Financial Market Authority ,QFMA CGC, is the guiding framework for Barwa's corporate governance system. The group's corporate governance processes, policies and procedures are fully aligned with QFMA CGC recommended practice. Other laws and regulations applicable by Qatar and Qatar Exchange are also closely observed by the group.
Barwa's corporate governance structure is designed to enable effective management by accelerating decision-making and business operations, and ensuring fair and transparent operations. The primary governing body is the Board of Directors that is empowered to make decisions on critical business issues and is responsible for Barwa's internal control system.
The Board is assisted by an Internal Audit Committee, and an executive officer system which transfers the authority for executing strategies to the operating level.
A Remuneration and Nomination Committee is also in place and it is responsible for ensuring the transparent selection, monitoring and remuneration of members of Barwa's Board of Directors.


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