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Barwa Real Estate signs an agreement to establish and develop eight schools with “Ashghal” and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education

Barwa Real Estate signs an agreement to establish and develop eight schools with “Ashghal” and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education



Doha – September 2020


Barwa Real Estate Group, the leading real estate and investment company in Qatar and the region, has signed an agreement with "Ashghal" to develop eight schools according to PPP Development Program – Package 1. Under this project, Barwa will have the responsibility to develop and maintain eight schools across Qatar for a period of 25 years. After construction, the schools will be directly leased to the Government, thereby securing guaranteed revenue for Barwa.

This is the first of its kind public private partnership endeavor in the State of Qatar in the field of education. The selection of Barwa in this project of national importance further strengthens its position as a key real estate partner of the Government.


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