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Barwa Real Estate launches warehouses and workshops project in Barwa AlBaraha

Barwa Real Estate launches warehouses and workshops project in Barwa AlBaraha


Barwa Real Estate, one of the leading real estate investment companies in Qatar and the region, has announced awarding of 139,950,000 Qatari Riyals construction contract for Barwa AlBaraha Warehouses and Workshops project, which will be completed within 18 months, to Qatar Building Engineering Co. (QBEC).

The project will be constructed on the current existing truck parking parcel of 684,134 sq.m land within the extension of Barwa AlBaraha Project ( The workers city ) located in the Industrial Area, zone 91. It will provide suitable spaces to be used as warehouses for small and medium enterprises and also offer mechanical and electrical workshops to meet the market demand.

The project embraces a total construction built-up area of around 193,000 square meters, which includes construction of 573 warehouses of 300 sq.m size for each warehouse, in addition to 135 workshops with size of 144 sq.m for each. Moreover, the project will cover the construction and upgrading of the infrastructure and all the services required for the project, including CCTV rooms, two electrical substations; internal roads and networks for potable water, fire-fighting and sewage and the installation of surveillance cameras.



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