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Development and Operation of a Warehousing Complex in Um Shahrein

Development and Operation of a Warehousing Complex in Um Shahrein


​​Barwa Real Estate Company has announced the award of a Warehouse Complex development project in Um Shahrein area to Qatar building and Engineering Company (QBEC) for a total value of QAR 395,850,000. The project is planned to finish within a period of 12 months.
The project consists of 259,446 sqm of storage warehouses with high ceilings including 131,671sqm of dry storage areas, 71,755 sqm of air-conditioned storage areas, 36,992 sqm of chilled storage area, and 19,028 sqm of freezer storages. The project also includes a residential compound for the employees working in the complex with a total area of 7,655 sqm, and 532 sqm of offices. Additionally, the project includes 38 commercial shops with a total area of 1,676 sqm and a 700 sqm Mosque. 
The construction will also include the infrastructure of the project, consisting of 13 sub power stations, inner roads, loading and unloading areas, networks for potable water, fire systems, irrigation, rain, and sewage and their respective tanks. 
Furthermore, it will include CCTV surveillance, pump rooms, security rooms, and a surrounding fence. The total construction area of the project will be 373,311 sqm. ​​​


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