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Barwa Announces The Closing Of The Sale And Transfer Of Its Shareholding In Two Companies

Barwa Announces The Closing Of The Sale And Transfer Of Its Shareholding In Two Companies


​Barwa Real Estate company announces that it has closed the Sale and Transfer of its shareholding in both QD-SBG Construction W.L.L. and QD-CPC Industries W.L.L. (consisting of 21.5 % shareholding in each of the two companies) to Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company Q.S.C. for a total sale price of QAR 69,000,000 (sixty nine million Qatari Riyals) following two Share Sale and Purchase Agreements signed between Barwa Real Estate and Qatari Diar on15/09/2014. The signing of these transactions has been announced on 18 September 2014 .​


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