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Barwa real Estate Discloses Its Financial Statements For The 1st Quarter Of 2016

Barwa real Estate Discloses Its Financial Statements For The 1st Quarter Of 2016


Barwa Real Estate disclosed its financial statements for the period ended 31.03.2016. The statements show that the net profit amounted to QR 651 Million compared to a net profit of QR 3,255 Million for the same period of the previous year.

Earnings per Share (EPS) amounted to QR 1.67 for the period ended 31.3.2016 compared to an EPS of QR 8.36 for the same period of the previous year.

The profit of the first quarter of 2016, is higher than the same period of the previous year by QR 98 million, representing an increase of 18% excluding the exceptional profits made in 2015 from the sale of a piece of a plot of land in Mesaimeer area that amounted to QR 2,701 million.

The company has called for a press conference on Sunday, 1st of May 2016, to explain the details of the financial statements in addition to the updates of its development plans in order to enhance the communication with the market and the company's shareholders.


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