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Posting of the Information Note related to the sale of shares in Barwa Commercial Avenue Company to Labregah Real Estate Company

Posting of the Information Note related to the sale of shares in Barwa Commercial Avenue Company to Labregah Real Estate Company


​"Following the announcement by Barwa Real Estate Company on 23 June 2014 of the execution of the share sale and purchase agreement between Barwa Real Estate Company Q.S.C. and Labregah Real Estate Company Q.S.C. in relation to the sale of 95% of the share capital of Barwa Commercial Avenue Company L.L.C., Barwa Real Estate Company is pleased to announce the posting of the information note related to the transaction and its accompanying documents, having fulfilled the necessary requirements and obtained the non-objection of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority in relation to the transaction.
Barwa Real Estate Company expects to announce completion of the transaction as soon as possible."


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